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FM Sourcing Services

Facility Management when strategically aligned with business goals, will contribute significantly to business success and will help deliver the optimum return on the organization’s investment. 


We solve the unique issues that our clients face with the use of industry knowledge and best practices only as the first piece of many to create a plan that takes into account every clients specific strengths, needs and opportunities.

Intelligence Based Strategic Sourcing

We are proactive and subscribe to the business principal that planning with well-researched foresight provides significant success and is preferable to 20-20 hindsight. We look at the most suitable FM scenarios for our clients, insourcing and outsourcing - fully integrated across all service domains, technical hard services or soft services – all of which are measured against business expectations for service improvements - responsiveness, cost enhancements and client satisfaction.


We engage our clients at various stages to help in developing a strategy, gain insights into the quality and cost of current FM services – insourced or outsourced, provide analysis and insight to support decision making, while also reviewing and recommending action plans for meeting regulatory requirements where required.


In the process of procurement and selection of providers, we take responsibility for developing and implementing the strategies and action plans into the appropriate procurement tools appropriate for our client and their business needs and rules.


Business decisions for best value business returns include the use of the RFP, RFQ, RFI and select bid list outsourcing selection methodology.  We will prepare the procurement documents, promote the interest in the opportunity amongst service providers, support the procurement through bidding and review, and monitoring the service provider performance. Our client goals are centered on achieving strategic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), implementing results-driven Service Level Agreements (SLAs), standard operating procedures, and performance measurement systems.

Transition & Contract Management

Beginning with the end in mind - during the pre-procurement & selection phase, planning for the transitioning of one model of FM service delivery to another, is implemented. The transition of the various elements of an outsource or revised insourced model, will in many ways have to address the important elements of people, processes, infrastructure and technology – be that to a new service provider from an incumbent service provider or from an insourced team to an outsourced service provider in a first generation or even from an outsourced service provider to an insourced model.


In our experience, transitions do not go as fast or as smoothly as clients expect. Our services provide for the planning and implementation of successful transitions. We provide the necessary advisory, planning and management required to ensure effective implementations - we will create and deploy the framework, process discipline and tools necessary to deliver success.

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